Frater Peverin

Path and Purpose

Recently, a member of the popular Rosicrucian Tradition Facebook group posed a rather significant question concerning the perceived aims of spiritual initiation. The thoughtful post was written as a 17-point survey, exploring the many facets of initiation, both from the perspective of theurgical rites and lodge induction or grade ceremonies alike. I therefore decided to wade into […]

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The Landmarks of Freemasonry

This paper was written at the beginning of my term as Junior Deacon of Runnymede Lodge No.619, a European Concept Lodge once based in Toronto, that has since become dormant. This paper investigates the history, the significance and the veracity of the historical documents that introduce the concept of “masonic landmarks”, to determine how they have shaped our understanding of Freemasonry today and what role they might play in its future.

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Kabbalah As a Calling

The reality for those who genuinely seek to peer behind the veil of malkuth and experience the world of creation and infinite potential, is often a difficult and sometimes tragic one. Those who dare to shift their consciousness away from material reality, can often appear unsettling, or even threatening to others who are firmly anchored in the rational materialism of our consensus reality.

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Jewish liturgical poetry, or “piyyutim”, was often composed by mekubalim as a means of drawing upon spiritual forces. Traditionally, they are written in acrostic style, encoding within themselves, certain divine names. While the following poem is not acrostic, but rather written as a tail rhyme, it nonetheless serves as a poetic initiation into the theurgic mysteries. It’s written in 7 stanzas and 49 lines; an allusion to the period of time between Passover (Pesach) and the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) when mekubalim would engage in the ritual practice of the Counting of the Omer (Sefirat Ha-Omer) to reflect upon the self, dive into one’s psyche, rectify the ego and explore the depths of the soul.

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